So which person did you choose? :)

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The guy who already developed a solitaire game and sent a short proposal!

I actually thought of our conversation a while back where you were talking about making faster decisions.

I didn’t decide while writing the article and told the guy I’ll come back in 24 hours. But then I realized I already made the decision shortly after and there was no point in waiting any longer.

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Wow! Glad my advice helped. This is growth as an entrepreneur!

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Kenny Alami

As always, a great insight. I have always been reluctant to get work done from somewhere else which has severely limited my bandwidth.

How do you decide what work you would want to be done from someone else versus you do it yourself?

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Is there anything you’ve been thinking of delegating yourself or you’d like to?

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I too have a lot of ideas and want to move fast. The barrier for me is that I hate explaining to people what I want because I myself don’t know. I love figuring out things as they show up and enjoy the process. However that slows me down. For example, I have an opportunity to optimize some SEO stuff on my app. But i hate to it to explain someone because those they are not fully formed and will evolve.

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In my experience so far, contractors at lower rates might need more specific instructions so you’ll need to have a lot more figured out before they execute the work.

For contractors at higher rates or a talented new contractor, you might be able to provide the context and let them figure out the details.

But yeah, regardless of your budget and who you choose, you’ll need to explain what you have in mind to get them going. It can be messy but I’ll start looking for people and while you try to explain to them what you want, you’ll realize the holes in your explanation and be able to clarify for them. You’ll most probably talk to more than one person and that’ll help make sure things are clear for most of them.

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Thanks, Kunal!

I also struggle with delegation, but I’d like to believe I’m slowly getting better. I already tried to develop the solitaire game by grabbing a repository online and modifying a few things here and there. But I quickly realized that if I wanted this to go faster I needed outside help.

I’m still debating doing the content for the website myself or not. I know I could do it but I’m experiencing resistance to the task so I might delegate it too. I’ll start preparing the material and see how it goes.

All that to say it’s a mix of not wanting to do the task and wanting to go faster for me here.

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Really interesting window into your Fiverr experience.

Surprising that so few responded.

I'd be curious about how your experience might change if you wrote out a more detailed first message and also increased your sample size.

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You caught me red handed, Ryan! I put things into motion without having everything ready. It took me 24/36 hours or so after the first messages to put together a proper document.

Also, some might have been scammy because I saw some profile with very similar descriptions.

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It's disheartening to encounter scammers but better that you noticed them the way you did rather than after getting further.

And there are benefits to taking fast action like you did rather than dragging your feet and being perfectionist and saying "Nah, I won't message anyone yet because I haven't come up with a 100% perfect plan".

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It’s a bit messier but there’s nothing like getting feedback early and adjusting!

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Wow, that is a low bar to start at. Doesn't leave you with many choices.

Thanks for sharing.

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I’d say it’s because of the budget and the industry. There is less talent in games than general web development I find.

But yes, I like sharing those sort of things so new freelancers realize they have a very realistic shot at this!

Appreciate the comment, John. Thank you!

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